a chaotic-good, goofy goose
with a clause for every occasion
I strive to be an ethics-driven creative, who tells human-centric stories that improve business communications and reputations. I've worked across a wide range of industries on projects that generate laughs, clicks, and brand loyalty. Currently, I’m focused on helping SaaS companies dabble in storytelling and how to create more effective content.
“I want to be an honest man and a good writer.”
These words come from the author James Baldwin, and are a guiding philosophy in accomplishing my career goals. I pride myself on being a glass half-full, self-aware, collaborative, and pleasant fellow to work with.
On my own time you’ll find me dabbling in crafts, meddling with tiny houses and amateur home design, doing my best to grow altruistically, and working on various projects du jour.
Now that you know a little bit about this Oxford Comma-loving fellow, tell me about yourself and your idea and…